Letting Go of Toxic Friends
/Friendships usually develop out of circumstance - school, work, single life, marriage, kids, maybe even tragedy. As we mature; we develop our own unique growth process. Friendships tend to mirror this process, and should be a reflection of our most authentic self. During this process, you are heavily influenced by the people around you.
It's important to surround yourself with friends who inspire and challenge you to be the best version of yourself. At some point, you learn that some bridges are meant to be crossed, and others need to be burned. Once I fully understood the needs of my personal growth process, I knew I had to let go of 5 types of people from my life.
1. The Negative:
Negativity, much like misery, needs company. Negative energy is contagious, just like the flu. It's exhausting, depressing and crippling. It will drag you down and keep you there. It can be days, weeks or months before you can pick yourself up again. The problem with this type of person; they tend to be very cynical and will criticize everything you say or do. If you allow them into your space, they will influence your thoughts and decisions, and derail your progress as a result. Girl, No! You gotta go!
2. The Leech:
Ah yes, you know the type; they latch onto you, suck you dry, then bounce. No, not the worm silly, The human parasite! This person will suck not just your energy but probably your wallet too. They will crash on your couch for months, eat all your food, drink all your wine but still have more money than you in the bank. They will constantly ask you to bend backwards for them, but when you are down, at your lowest point, in deep despair; they are nowhere to be found. Understand when you are glowing, your glow attracts both good and bad. Protect your energy. Protect your growth. Protect your space.
3. The Gossiper:
Gossiping is a toxic habit usually engaged in by people who are lonely, insecure, immature, ignorant and of poor character. Gossip is tricky; it's so easy to get pulled in. Once you participate; you too become petty and insecure and negativity is sure to creep in. It's a cycle that will only hinder your growth. Besides, if they gossip with you, they gossip about you too.
4. The Fake:
Fake people thrive off of lies; lies they tell themselves, family, or social media (HA!). They are often very critical and gossip a lot. They are very flashy and crave attention. Being in a growth process, it's crucial to be and embrace who you truly are. Surrounding yourself with fake people will only cloud your vision and stunt your growth. Bye, Felicia - is that even your real name??
5. The Mediocre:
Yes, engaging with people content with mediocrity stunt personal growth. Some people are so comfortable and accepting of mediocre lifestyles that the idea of stepping outside their comfort zone paralyzes them. These are the type of people who have no interest in learning anything new, experiencing new foods or cultures, and possibly have no desire to travel and see the world (GASP!). This is not something I understand, or even care to. I cannot fathom a life lived like that. Learning, experiencing, and travelling is essential for growth. Mediocrity, much like negativity and misery, likes company. I just can't, Sorry!
Have you ever had to let go of toxic friends?